Course Description

Avoiding Safety Pitfalls

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Course Details
InstructorKathy Whitfield
Member Price$ 45.00
Non-Member Price$ 70.00

(Satisfies 2 Hours of Elective CE)

Dates:  Thursday, May 2nd, 2024
Time:  3:00pm - 5:00pm

Registration for all CE classes closes 48 hours prior to class.

Citizens National Bank
512 22nd Avenue
Meridian, MS 39301
Phone: 601-932-5241

Instructor: Kathy Whitfield

About the Course:

This course will take attendees through the process of evaluating their current safety practices in the workplace and when working with clients and customers. Students will work through scenarios and other interactive exercises to determine best practices in the field of real estate and will obtain tangible tools to assist in the prevention of potential safety issues.

Course Attendance Requirement:
In order to receive CE credits, you must attend all hours of class instruction. Phones are to be kept on silent. Phone calls are to be made on breaks and/or lunch.

Cancellation/Refund Policy:
A minimum number of students are required for any Mississippi REALTORS® Institute class to make. If the course is cancelled, you will be notified by e-mail. Refunds are not available after class has started.

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