Study Tools
These study tools are available for purchase by contacting MRI at 601-932-5241 or by visiting us at our
Flowood office at 4274 Lakeland Drive
Real Estate Exam Prep
(192 Pages)
$40 (+$10 S&H)
Focus on the Necessary Topics to Pass Your Licensing Exam
Real Estate Exam Prep allows you to study exactly what you need to pass your licensing exam, featuring focused content to sharpen your understanding of vital exam items. The most up-to-date, accurate, and comprehensive study tool available, Real Estate Exam Prep expertly covers every topic you need to know for your license exam. This valuable guide includes:
- Questions reflecting the current national real estate laws, rules, regulations, and practices
- Emphasis on important key terms and concepts to know for your licensing exam
- True/False and multiple-choice questions with rationales to reinforce your knowledge of the concepts
- Salesperson and Broker practice exams to further help you prepare for the exam
Modern Real Estate Practice Textbook – National, 21st Edition
(570 Pages)
$60 (+$12 S&H)
Modern Real Estate Practice has trained more than 3 million professionals since 1959. Updated to maintain current legislation and market information, and to include the newest forms and web resources, this text and its ancillary products will provide the best foundation possible for aspiring real estate professionals. Each unit includes an overview of contents that highlights the topic and explains how it relates real estate law, regulations, and principles to the practice of real estate. Additionally, the included QBank gives students the ability to create customized tests from hundreds of questions.
Mississippi State License Law Study Guide – State Portion
(79 pages)
$40 (+$6 S&H)
Principles of Real Estate Practice in Mississippi (State-Only Portion) contains 75 pages of the essentials of the Mississippi real estate law, principles, and practices necessary for basic competence as a real estate professional and as mandated by Mississippi license law. It is to be used as a guide to studying for the state portion of the PSI State Exam, however, it is not the license law in its entirety and shouldn’t be deemed as such. The MS License law and MREC Rules and Regulation documents can be found in their entirety on the Mississippi Real Estate Commission website.
This state law study guide is designed to provide the following:
- It is streamlined, direct and to-the-point
- It has a student-oriented organization, both within each chapter and from chapter to chapter
- Each chapter begins with an overview of the main section heads covered in the chapter. As each of these heads is expanded, the subheads are displayed in the margin
- Key terms are printed in bold type the first time they are used and defined
- The chapters conclude with a study aid called the “Snapshot Review,” which compresses the main points of the chapter into one or two pages
- There is a chapter-by-chapter quiz and a full sample quiz in the back with answer keys detailing the answers and where to reference them
- Its examples and exercises are grounded in the authors’ many years in real estate education
Mississippi Real Estate License Exam Prep
ALL-IN-ONE, National & State Review (260 Pages)
$65 (+$10 S&H)
Features of Mississippi Real Estate License Exam Prep (MS-RELEP):
- National Principles & Law Key Point Review (60 pages)
- Real Estate Math Key Formula Review & Practice (20 pages)
- Mississippi-Specific Laws and Practices (23 pages)
- National Practice Tests (500 questions)
- Mississippi Practice Tests (100 questions)
- Mississippi Sample Exam (100 questions
Note: The state portion of this review book is not intended to be the Mississippi state law in it’s entirety. It is to be used as an organized study tool to help understand the law better in a more simplistic form. It is highly recommended that you visit MREC’s website to download the full MS License Law and MREC’s Administrative Rules and Regulations in their entirety.
Modern Real Estate Practice Flash Cards – National Terms & Definitions
$38 (+$10 S&H)
This boxed set of more than 700 flashcards offers a comprehensive review of key concepts covered in Modern Real Estate Practice, 21st Edition. The flashcards are organized into study sets that follow the format of the textbook to make it easier to study by unit. This convenient study tool provides additional review to ensure you improve your chances of passing the real estate exam.
Foreclosures, Short Sales, REO’s, and Auctions (Tools for success in today’s market) (106 pages)
The book summarizes the many options available to sell & purchase distressed housing. It is primarily geared for real estate professionals, & serves as an introductory course.
Topics Include: • Chapter 1: Foreclosures-An Introduction • Chapter 2: Identifying the Short Sale Property • Chapter 3: Marketing the Short Sale Listing • Chapter 4: Short Sale Contracts • Chapter 5: Making the Sale with Loss Mitigation Departments • Chapter 6: Who to Contact? Asset Management Departments • Chapter 7: Purchasing Lender Owned (REO) Properties • Chapter 8: Broker Auction Procedures • Chapter 9: Client Auction Procedures
21 Things I Wish My Broker Had Told Me (220 Pages)
$18 (+$4 S&H)
Top producing, successful professionals offer their expert advice, opinions and guidance, and look back on the 21 things they wish their broker had told them, back when they got started.
Includes practical advice for fast-tracking your first transaction, developing a marketing strategy, successfully dealing with competitors, and much more. Revised technology chapter offers a jargon-free explanation of the hi-tech options available today. New appendix outlines the nearly 200 elements of a real estate transaction in a quick, at-a-glance checklist. New end-of-chapter tips offer practical, take-away advice and highlight key concepts. A “Must-Have” for new agents.
Real Estate License Exam Prep – National Review (205 Pages)
(All-in-One Review and Testing to Pass the National Portion of the Real Estate Exam)
$40 (+$10 S&H)
Features of Real Estate License Exam Prep (RELEP):
- National Principles & Law Key Point Review (45 pages)
- Real Estate Math Key Formula Review & Practice (20 pages)
- National Practice Tests (500 questions)
- Sample Exam (75 questions)
RELEP is comprehensive in that it contains both key content review and testing practice. RELEP’s national key point reviews are a succinct compression of tested national principles and practices that comprise the national portion of the state license exam.
A word about the test questions… RELEP’s testing practice section consists of ten national practice tests and one sample test. The practice tests are roughly 50 questions in length and the sample test is 75 questions. The questions are direct, to the point, and designed to test your understanding. When you have completed a given test, you can check your answers against the answer key in the appendix. You may also note that each question’s answer is accompanied by a brief explanation, or “rationale” to further reinforce your understanding.
Your particular study and testing practice strategy using this resource is up to you. But to fully exploit its comprehensive content coverage, you should try to review and memorize the key point reviews as much as possible. Then you should make every effort to take each exam, review your mistakes, and re-read the key point reviews that cover your weaker areas.
One note of caution is also in order: this National edition does not contain state laws and practices applicable in your state of residence or where you intend to get your license. Therefore you will need to study state-level laws given to you by your pre-license school in order to pass the state portion of the state exam.
While this is as comprehensive a national prep text as it gets, in the end — as your pre-license course hopefully informed you — it’s all up to you. It still takes hard work and study to pass.
Not sure which books to buy for your course of study? Contact Us for more information. If you would like to learn more about the experts who teach our courses, check out our Instructors page. For specific tips on how to study for the PSI Licensing Exam, read our Mississippi REALTORS® Institute’s detailed guide in our blog section.