All Scheduled Classes All Classes This is a complete list of all of our currently scheduled classes. All Currently Scheduled ClassesDateLocationCourse NameStatus 01/27/25 Flowood Salesperson Pre-License - Weekday 01/27/25 Virtual Classroom Broker POST-License 02/12/25 Flowood Drones, The Law & FAA 02/13/25 Flowood Navigating Buyer Agreements 02/14/25 Flowood The Listing Appointment 02/15/25 Flowood Salesperson Pre-License - Weekend 02/24/25 Flowood Broker A 03/04/25 Flowood License Law 03/04/25 Flowood Contract Law 03/05/25 Flowood Agency Law: Sellers 03/05/25 Flowood Agency Law: Buyers 03/18/25 Flowood Salesperson Pre-License - Evenings 03/24/25 Flowood Broker B 04/07/25 Flowood Salesperson POST-License 05/05/25 Flowood Broker POST-License 05/21/25 Flowood Drones, The Law & FAA 10/20/25 Flowood Salesperson POST-License 11/17/25 Virtual Classroom Broker POST-License Online Courses If your schedule doesn’t allow for a classroom course, consider our convenient online CE courses.