Online REALTOR® Classes vs In Person: Which One is Best for You?

REALTOR® Classes - Online vs. In Person | Mississippi REALTORS® Institute

When it comes to launching a successful career in real estate, obtaining your real estate license is the crucial first step. The Mississippi REALTORS® Institute offers a variety of courses designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the real estate industry. But with the option of online and in-person classes, how do you choose the best fit for your learning style and schedule?

The Convenience of Online Classes

Online courses have revolutionized the way we learn, providing flexibility and convenience that appeals to many aspiring real estate professionals. With online classes, you have the freedom to study at your own pace and schedule. Whether you have a full-time job, family commitments, or other responsibilities, online courses allow you to learn from the comfort of your own home.

The convenience of accessing course materials, videos, and assignments at any time means you can tailor your study sessions to fit your lifestyle. Need to revisit a challenging concept or review critical information before an exam? No problem! Mississippi REALTORS® Institute’s Online classes enable you to revisit and reinforce your understanding until you feel confident in your knowledge. You have six months to complete your online course so do plan accordingly to complete your class during that time frame. 

The Benefits of In-Person Learning

While online classes offer convenience, some individuals thrive in a more traditional learning setting. In-person classes provide an immersive and interactive experience that can lead to a deeper understanding of complex topics.

In a classroom setting, you can engage in real-time discussions with experienced instructors and fellow students. This dynamic learning environment fosters valuable networking opportunities and encourages immediate clarification of doubts or questions.

Furthermore, in-person classes offer structure and accountability. By attending scheduled class sessions, you stay on track with your learning journey and benefit from a guided curriculum designed to optimize your progress.

Finding Your Perfect Fit

The decision between online and in-person classes ultimately comes down to your individual learning style, schedule, and preferences. Consider your strengths, study habits, and lifestyle to determine which format best aligns with your needs.

If you are self-motivated, excel in a self-paced environment, and value convenience, online classes may be the perfect choice for you. On the other hand, if you thrive on real-time interactions, face-to-face communication, and a structured learning environment, in-person classes might better suit your preferences.

At the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute, we understand that every student’s journey is unique. That’s why we offer a range of learning options to accommodate various needs and preferences. Whether you choose online or in-person classes, rest assured that our comprehensive courses, led by experienced instructors, will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your real estate career.

Take the First Step

Ready to embark on an exciting journey in the world of real estate? The Mississippi REALTORS® Institute has everything you need to achieve success in your real estate career. Visit our website to explore our comprehensive Salesperson Pre-License Courses, Salesperson Post-License Courses, and Exam Review Courses.

Our courses are carefully designed to provide you with a strong foundation, advanced knowledge, and the confidence to excel in the real estate industry. Whether you choose to study online or attend in-person classes, you’ll find the guidance and support you need to thrive.

Your future in real estate awaits! Enroll with the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute today and take the first step towards a rewarding and fulfilling career in the world of real estate. We’re here to help you achieve your real estate career goals. Contact us for more information and to take necessary steps in your real estate education.

Unlock Your Potential: Exploring Advanced Designations and Certifications for Real Estate Professionals

Real estate professional studying advanced designations and certifications.

In the competitive and ever-changing world of real estate, continuous learning and professional development are essential for success. As a dedicated real estate professional in Mississippi, you have access to a range of advanced designations and certifications offered by the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute. These designations and certifications provide specialized knowledge, skills, and a significant competitive edge in the industry. In this blog post, we will explore four valuable designations and certifications: ABR®, GRI, PSA, and AWHD.

ABR® – Accredited Buyer’s Representative Designation

If you focus on working directly with buyer-clients, the ABR® – Accredited Buyer’s Representative designation is tailored for you. This designation elevates your skills and knowledge in the eyes of homebuyers, giving you a competitive advantage in the market.

By earning the ABR® designation, you gain access to valuable real estate education that helps you better serve homebuyers. You will stay informed about industry trends, receive specialized information and updates, and access members-only marketing tools and resources offered by the Real Estate Buyer’s Agent Council (REBAC). This designation emphasizes your commitment to excellence in buyer representation and provides you with a solid foundation for success.

GRI – Graduate, REALTOR® Institute

The GRI – Graduate, REALTOR® Institute designation is one of the most recognized and respected designations in the real estate industry. This comprehensive program consists of a minimum of 60 hours of coursework that covers a wide range of topics, ensuring you have a solid understanding of the complexities of real estate transactions.
Throughout the GRI coursework, you will delve into subjects such as contract law, professional standards, sales and marketing, technology, and finance. By completing the GRI designation, you demonstrate your commitment to professionalism, ethical practices, and advanced knowledge in all aspects of real estate. The GRI designation sets you apart as a trusted advisor and positions you for continued success in your career.

PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) Certification

Accurately pricing properties is a critical skill that directly impacts your clients’ buying and selling decisions. The PSA (Pricing Strategy Advisor) Certification course is designed to enhance your pricing expertise as a real estate professional.

During the PSA course, you will explore the intricacies of comparative market analysis (CMA) and gain insights into the factors appraisers consider when determining property values. This course teaches you effective strategies for presenting CMAs to clients, combining facts and numbers to recommend price ranges, and fostering productive relationships with appraisers. By earning the PSA certification, you will provide your clients with accurate and informed pricing guidance, setting yourself apart as a pricing expert in the industry.

At Home with Diversity® (AHWD) Certification

The At Home with Diversity® (AHWD) is a one-day certification course that equips real estate professionals with the knowledge and expertise to build a multicultural business model. In today’s diverse marketplace, understanding the dynamics and demographics of various communities is crucial for success.

The AHWD course dives into the historical context of fair housing, educates on fair housing issues, and provides strategies to serve customers and clients effectively. By completing this course, you will become more comfortable embracing diversity and better equipped to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse client base. The AHWD designation demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and positions you as a trusted advisor for all clients.

Unlock Your Potential Today!

Investing in advanced designations through the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute is a smart decision for real estate professionals in Mississippi. The ABR® and GRI designations and AHWD and PSA certifications offer enhanced skills, credibility, a competitive edge, and networking opportunities that can propel your career forward. By unlocking your potential through these valuable designations and certifications, you stay ahead in the ever-evolving real estate industry.

Embrace the pursuit of knowledge and continuous professional growth as a lifelong journey in real estate. Invest in yourself, seize the opportunities that await you, and reap the rewards of a successful and fulfilling career.

Take the next step today and explore the advanced designations and certifications offered by the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute. Unlock your potential and set yourself up for a thriving career in the dynamic world of real estate!

Contact us for more information and start your journey towards professional excellence.

How to Elevate Your Real Estate Career: The Benefits of Earning a GRI Designation

Elevate Your Real Estate Career with the GRI | MS REALTORS® Institute

How to Elevate Your Real Estate Career: The Benefits of Earning a GRI Designation

If you’re a real estate professional looking to take your career to the next level, then you might want to consider pursuing the Graduate, REALTOR® Institute (GRI) designation. The GRI symbol is the mark of a real estate professional who has made the commitment to provide a high level of professional services by securing a strong educational foundation.

Buying property is a complex and stressful task, and real estate transactions have become increasingly complicated. New technology, laws, procedures, and the increasing sophistication of buyers and sellers require real estate practitioners to perform at an ever-increasing level of professionalism. The GRI designation can help you meet these challenges and set yourself apart as a master of the real estate profession.

What is a GRI Designation?

The GRI designation sets a REALTOR® apart by indicating they have completed a minimum of 60 hours of education. They have developed a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to navigate the current real estate climate—no matter what its condition. GRI designees are recognized nationally and are committed to serving their clients and customers with the highest ethical standards.

REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, and professional standards, as well as the sales process. The GRI program consists of a variety of courses designed to enhance REALTORS® market knowledge, increase business skills, and allow those with the GRI designation to have the opportunity to network with other GRI designees. GRI graduates are usually the top performers in most real estate offices.

Why Should You Care If a REALTOR® Is a GRI?

The GRI designation is widely recognized as a symbol of excellence within the real estate industry and is to real estate what the CPA designation is to accountants. These agents are considered the elite of the business. Only REALTORS® who successfully complete a minimum of 60 hours of comprehensive training can be called a GRI. They are set apart as masters of the real estate profession, possessing advanced skills and techniques, making it easier for them to provide the best service possible to their increasingly sophisticated clients.

Earning Your GRI in Mississippi

To earn the GRI (Graduate, REALTOR® Institute) designation in Mississippi, one must complete a minimum of 60 hours of in-person instructor-led coursework within 5 years through the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute. Divided into three sections, the first section covers legal and ethical aspects of real estate transactions such as contracts, agency relationships, fair housing laws, and safety considerations. The second section provides practical skills and knowledge for managing risks, marketing properties, improving business practices, understanding foreclosures, and utilizing technology in real estate. The third section requires 20 hours of coursework in any of the Designation/Certification courses such as ABR, SRS, RENE, CRB, C-RETS, The Right Start, and Real Estate Professional Assistant, to gain specialized knowledge and skills in specific areas of real estate.

After you have completed the requirements, you will be granted the GRI certification, which you can showcase proudly on your website, business cards, and marketing materials. And, you will be eligible for exclusive perks, including specialized training, networking events, and marketing resources.

If you are interested in pursuing your GRI designation, take a look at our list of coursework and requirements in Mississippi or contact the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute (MRI) for more information on the coursework and application process. Take your real estate career to the next level with a GRI designation and join the ranks of the top performers in the industry.

Now is the time to earn your GRI Designation

Obtaining the GRI certification requires completing a rigorous training program that covers a wide range of subjects, including technology, professional standards, legal and regulatory issues, and the sales process. The program aims to enhance your knowledge of the market and business skills. Its curriculum includes topics such as marketing, finance, contracts, ethics, agency relationships, and risk mitigation. Getting your GRI designation can be a great way to set yourself apart from other real estate professionals and demonstrate your commitment to providing the highest level of service to your clients. With advanced knowledge and skills in legal and regulatory issues, technology, and professional standards, GRI designees are recognized as leaders in the real estate industry.

Fair Housing Month | MS REALTORS Institute | Flowood, MS

Fair Housing Month at Mississippi REALTOR® Institute

Celebrating Fair Housing Month with the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute

What is Fair Housing Month?

Fair Housing Month is an annual event in April that commemorates the passing of the Fair Housing Act of 1968. This landmark legislation made it illegal to discriminate in the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), national origin, familial status, or disability.

The Fair Housing Act has helped to promote diversity, inclusion, and equal access to housing for millions of Americans. However, the fight for fair housing is far from over, and there is still much work to be done to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to find their perfect home.

What does Fair Housing Month mean for the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute?

At the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute, we are committed to promoting fair housing practices and helping to build more equitable communities. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to find the perfect home, regardless of their background.

To achieve this goal, we offer training and education programs that teach our members about fair housing laws and how to avoid discriminatory practices. We also work closely with local organizations to promote fair housing practices and to provide resources and support for those who have experienced discrimination in their search for housing.

As REALTORS®, we have a unique role to play in the fight for fair housing by promoting diversity and inclusion in our communities. By working together and committing to fair housing practices, we can help to build a more equitable future for all.

To achieve this goal, we work closely with local organizations to promote fair housing practices and to provide resources and support for those who have experienced discrimination in their search for housing. Also, we offer a fair housing course that teaches our members about fair housing laws and how to avoid discriminatory practices. You can sign up for this year’s Fair Housing Summit course or visit our continuing education courses page.

The Mississippi REALTORS® Institute’s Fair Housing course fulfills 3 hours credit toward qualifying for the GRI designation. The GRI designation signifies excellence in real estate, earned by completing 60 hours of comprehensive education. GRI designees possess advanced skills in legal matters, technology, sales, and more. In Mississippi, this involves coursework through the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute, covering legal aspects, risk management, marketing, and specialization in areas like ABR and RENE. With GRI certification, REALTORS® gain exclusive benefits, showcasing their commitment to excellence and client service.

Learn more about our GRI designation program and how it can benefit your real estate career, check out our blog about the benefits of earning a GRI designation. Or you can sign up for this year’s Fair Housing summit by visiting our continuing education courses page.

What can you do to support fair housing?

As a consumer, you can support fair housing by educating yourself about your rights and by speaking out against discrimination when you see it. If you have experienced discrimination in your search for housing, you can report it to the appropriate authorities and seek legal assistance if necessary.

As a REALTOR® you can support fair housing by committing to education and training programs that teach you about fair housing laws and practices. You can also work to promote fair housing in your community by partnering with local organizations and by advocating for policies that promote diversity and inclusion.

Join Us in Promoting Fair Housing: Building an Equitable Future

Fair Housing Month is an important reminder of the progress we have made in the fight for equal access to housing, as well as the work that still needs to be done. At the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute, we are committed to promoting fair housing practices and to building more equitable communities. We invite you to join us in this important work and to help us create a future where everyone has the opportunity to find their perfect home.


Fair Housing Resources


Real Estate Continuing Education 101

Real Estate Continuing Education 101 | MS REALTORS Institute | Flowood, MS

As a real estate professional, staying up-to-date with industry trends and regulations is crucial. Continued education is a necessary component to remain competitive in a constantly evolving market. Continued education ensures that REALTORS® know about changes in the industry, including new laws, updated regulations, and emerging market trends. As a result, continued education provides REALTORS® with a competitive edge that benefits their clients, their businesses, and the industry as a whole.

Real Estate Continuing Education in Mississippi FAQs 

If you’re a REALTOR® or planning to be one, continuing education is your best way of keeping yourself abreast of the latest trends in the industry. Mississippi REALTORS® Institute is here to answer all of your questions regarding continuing education for REALTORS® to give a clearer picture of what you need to know.

How many hours of continuing education are required to renew a license in Mississippi?

In Mississippi, the Real Estate Commission requires REALTORS® to complete 16 hours of continuing education every two years to renew their licenses. REALTORS® in Mississippi must complete eight hours of required law classes: 4 hours of agency law, 2 hours of contract law, and 2 hours of license law, in addition to 8 hours of elective continuing education classes. 

Can continuing education for Mississippi REALTORS® be completed online? 

Fortunately, REALTORS® in Mississippi can complete their continued education online. Online courses provide flexibility and convenience, allowing REALTORS® to fit their coursework into their busy schedules.

How many hours of education are required to earn a real estate license in Mississippi? 

Individuals must complete 60 hours of pre-licensing education and pass the state licensing exam as well as work under the supervision of a Mississippi real estate broker. Learn more and sign up for courses on our Salesperson Pre-license page.

How many hours of post-licensing education is required to maintain a real estate license in the first year?

Individuals must complete  30-hours of post-licensing education within 12 months after being issued the temporary salesperson’s license. To meet these qualifications, sign up for our Salesperson Post-license classes – available online or in-person.

Become a REALTOR® in Mississippi Today | Continued Education Courses at MS REALTORS® Institute  

Continued education is essential for real estate professionals. For REALTORS® seeking a top-notch education experience, the Mississippi REALTORS® Institute is the best solution. The Institute offers a wide range of courses that meet the Real Estate Commission’s requirements and provide REALTORS® with the tools they need to succeed.

We offer online and in-person courses that are engaging, informative, and designed to equip REALTORS® with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in today’s market. All courses are taught by experienced real estate professionals. By investing in continued education, REALTORS® can stay ahead of the curve and provide their clients with exceptional service. Review our course offerings and book your next continuing education course online today.


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